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Africa's Secrets group posting on GLOBOsapiens

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Gabon, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Ghana

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posting by moderator

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Joined: Jan 08
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Posted: 2009-11-14 15:47:00   

I am speculating whether I should do a trip in West Africa plus Gabon, and perhaps also the utterly visitor-unfriendly Equatorial Guinea... I am penciling about 3 weeks, including Easter, for this.
I need two pieces of advice about Equatorial Guinea and Liberia.

I have sketched the following itinerary: Frankfurt to Libreville (GA) - Point Denis - Reserve de la Lope - Libreville to Douala (CM) by air (or overland via Equatorial Guinea - NEED ADVICE HERE) - Limbe - Kribi - Yaounde - Yaounde to Abidjan (CI) by air - Grand Bassam - Yamoussoukro - Abidjan to Monrovia (LR) by air - Monrovia and nearby places - NEED ADVICE HERE - Monrovia to Accra (GH) by air - Accra - Elmina - Akosombo - Hohoe - Wli (Agumatsa) Falls - Accra to Frankfurt.

I realise that Equatorial Guinea does not welcome tourists, and travel can be challenging due to a lack of facilities, infrastructure and aggressively extortionate police everywhere. But I was wondering if anyone knew a bit more of practical information about crossing the land/river borders with Gabon and Cameroon; and then travelling overland in the country. I would just need to cross from Gabon to Cogo; then take the roads to Mbini (probably first crossing on the river to Acalayong); boat to Bolondo; road to Bata; and road to the border with Cameroon (I think the post is in Yengue). If that would be possible, then I would adapt the itinerary for Cameroon and visit Kribi first then Yaounde and Douala...

With regard to Liberia - there are still some scary stories circulating the net about safety in the country and travel outside Monrovia. I have not reserved too many days for Liberia so far. About two nights, but I am curious how people are doing there. I would welcome advice what to do in and around Monrovia.

Many thanks!

Open your eyes. Free your mind. Touch lives. Sink into the different. Travel and belong. Profile photo: Palma de Mallorca.

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posting by moderator

Premium account
Joined: Jan 08
Points: 84174
Posts: 203

Posted: 2009-11-20 00:55:00   

C'mon gals and guys! No-one wants to help?

I know that I can simply take a taxi everywhere or hire a bush-taxi for my own - all at a price. But I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about public transport down in Gabon/Equatorial Guinea...

And Liberia? It would be good to support a local community there - I am sure they are longing for visiting tourists.

Best regards

Open your eyes. Free your mind. Touch lives. Sink into the different. Travel and belong. Profile photo: Palma de Mallorca.

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