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Photo album by bineba: Stünzel 2009

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Stünzel 2009

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The Stünzelfest, a kind of county fair, takes place every 2nd Saturday in June in the little village of Stünzel, the smallest commune belonging to Bad Berleburg in Siegen Wittgenstein. Farmers from the region come to present their animals and have the judged, hoping to go home with one of the coveted prizes. It is hugely popular and this year, for the 177th Stünzelfest, 20,000 people descended on the village, which only consists of a handful of houses with 62 inhabitants. People come from near and far to see the judgings, browse the 200+ stalls, meet up with friends and enjoy the food and a beer or two. By the way, Stünzel lies on the long distance route E1 of the European Ramblers' Association, which runs from Sweden to Umbria in Italy.

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