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Antigua Pictures 1 - 16 of 16 

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Pretty girls in the garden

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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The Very Colorful Calle 5

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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The inplausibly ornate Catedral de la Merced

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-29 send as postcard
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Santa Catalina Arch with Catedral La Merced beyond

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Ruins of Convent of the Conception

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Famed Santa Catalina Arch

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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The Arch and Calle 5 in the other direction

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Unique Fountain

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Convent De La Conception Interior

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Plaza Centrale and Catedral from City Hall

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Early Morning at Catedral de la Merced

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Santa Catalina Arch at night

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Typical in Antigua- window grill with flowers

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Zip Lining on a Coffee Plantation

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Catedral de la Merced with large rosary hung

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard
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Zip Lining - the illusion of SPEED

Guatemala - Sacatepéquez - Antigua2009-09-30 send as postcard

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