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Photo album by kailas: MUSTANG - THE HIDDEN KINGDOM

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Winner of the photo album contest of the month Feb 2006

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album of the month contest Mustang was a forbidden kingdom before it was opened in 1992 for tourists. Still Upper Mustang is a restricted area and only a limited number of visitors (about 1000) are allowed per year. Another limiting factor is the permit you need, in 2004 it was 700 US$ per person. From the south it is only accessible on foot, by horse or by plane (Jomosom). From Tibet in the north there is already a dirt road to Lo Manthang and the next section to Tsarang was under construction. The duration of the trekking was 13 days, the total distance from Jomosom to Lo Manthang and back 150 km, the elevations were between 2700 m and 4300 m. My wife and me were accompanied by a guide, a cook, two assistant cooks and a man responsible for the 4 packhorses. They made our trip a very enjoyable and unforgettable one. For everybody who likes to hike Upper Mustang, I recommend to go soon, before the roads are completed and the valley looses its unique character. The slides are arranged in chronological order, have fun!

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