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Photo album by madness: The center of culture and beauty - Istanbul

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The center of culture and beauty - Istanbul

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Winner of the photo album contest of the month Jul 2005

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album of the month contest You will have a look at nice views of Istanbul. Istanbul was the capital of Byzantium in the history, called Konstantinapolis, but in the year of 1453, The Sultan of Ottoman Empire, Fatih Sultan Mehmed, conquered the city, make this city the capital of Ottoman Empire and since 1453 the Istanbul is the center of different cultures and religions. Sultan Fatih had not interfered to the life of previous citizens of Istanbul, like Christians or Jews, so the city developed with mixed cultures with Muslims at peace. You may see mosques, churches and synagogues side by side in Istanbul. Istanbul has two sides, one at European and the other is at Anatolian continent. Both sides are connected with two bridges, Bhosphorus Bridge and Fatih Sultan Mehmed Bridge, and also for public transfer there are many lines of boats, ferries and sea buses between two sides. Istanbul has a huge population, around 14 millions of people are living in Istanbul now. You may see a lot of historical places and nice views if you will have a chance to take a trip in Istanbul one day, and until that day, hopefully my slides will give an idea about Istanbul.

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