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Photo album by sakkie: Royal National Park - Kwazulu Natal - South Africa

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Royal National Park - Kwazulu Natal - South Africa

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Winner of the photo album contest of the month Sep 2005

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album of the month contest The Royal National Park forms part of the Northern Drakensberg which is situated near Bergville in Kwazulu Natal Midlands. If you like mountains, cristal clear waterstreams and the most beautifull waterfalls it is the right place to go. The following hiking trails is realy fantastic and I have done some of them up to three times during different times of the year and I recommend the rainy season from October to March although it is very hot during that time, the cool and refreshing mountain water in the streams and under the waterfalls is realy appreciated. 1. Amphiteatre to Cathedral peak - 4 to 5 Days(62 km) 2.Devil's Hoek Valley - 1 hr (3 km) 3.Mckinley's Pool, Gudu Falls, The Grotto - 4 - 5 hrs (7 km) 4. Mount-Aux-Sources via Basutho Gate and the Chain Ladders - 10 - 12 hrs (20 km) 5. Otto's Walk and Bushmans Paintings - 1 hr (2km) 6. Rugged Glen to Mahai - 5 - 6 hrs (14 km) 7. Sigubudu Ridge and Valley - 4 - 5 hrs (12 km) 8. Tugela Gorge - 2 hrs (7 km) 9. Vemvaan Valey - 2 hrs (4 km) 10. Crack and The Mudslide - 5 hrs (7km )

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