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Photo album by anonima: SINGAPORE THE GARDEN CITY

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Winner of the photo album contest of the month Dec 2003

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album of the month contest Singapore has always been a half dream , half real land for me. I stopped at the airport for one hour several times , during my flights to Europe when I finally decided to have a 5 days stopover. To be honest , I couldn't find what I was looking for . The romantic city of S. Maugham, J. Conrad and R. Kipling , the old British colony disappeared after the World War II. It doesn't mean I was dissapointed because I found one of the most beautilul and clean modern metropolises in Asia with a few enchanting old places ,interesting ethnic areas-especially Little India and the Arab Quarter- which are well worth pay it a visit. And I even haven't mentioned the food yet. Singapore is used to called the food capital of Asia. You can choose the most elegant retaurant or a food court, you'll have the same nutritious , fresh and tasty meal , only the price and the tableware will differ. Singapore is 130km north of the equator and it is determinates the climate of the island. Despite the relatively uniform 27C temperature ,80-85% humidity and a regular afternoon downpour I enjoyed every moment of the 5 days what I spent there. I hope my pictures will show you more than I can tell you in words about Singapore, "The Garden City.

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