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information about thailand  BangkokThailand
This Mansion was built in 1903 by King Rama v for the future King Rama V1. It has been used as a Royal Residence for King Rama V11, V111 & IX.
It is now used as a Royal Guest House for visiting Heads Of States, and His Majesties guests.
While I was visiting, the guards quickly moved everybody away from this Mansion. We did not know what was going on. After a while, a large entourage of big cream Mercedes passed through the open gates into the grounds of this Mansion.
I was told it was the Crown Prince. The Royal Ploughing Festival was being held on the Monday.
So, if this happens to you, you know that something important is about to happen.
Uploaded: Apr, 14 2011 | Taken: May, 14 2009| Viewed: 44 times
Camera: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY | Model: KODAK Z612 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA | Exposure 1/800s, f3.4, ISO 80 | FLength: 12mm

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