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Relief - Presentation of the Heir to the Gods's by eirekay

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information about egypt  Kharga OasisEgypt, Al J¿zah
Taken in the Temple of Dush, this relief shows the presentation of the cartouche of the son of the Pharaoh to one of the many Gods. Cartouches are groups of hieroglyphics in an oval providing the name of a royal person. It was a crime to place anyone else's name in a cartouche.

This Temple was buried under sand until 1993. The condition of these walls in the midst of the harsh Desert was surprising!
Uploaded: Jul, 26 2008 | Taken: Jun, 21 2008| Viewed: 30 times  | 4 votes
Camera:  Canon PowerShot SD630 | Exposure 1/500s, f5.0 | FLength: 5mm

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