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Krakow Wieliczka Auschwitz Birkenau

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Joined: Oct 06
Points: 100
Posts: 22

Posted: 2013-11-04 15:19:00   

I want to share with the community the photos of my trip to Poland

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I visited: Warsaw - Wroclaw - Poznan - Kraków - Auschwitz

I want to point out the major tourist attractions

> Kraków what to visit :
- Excursion Auschwitz Concentration camp and Extermination Camp at Birkenau ( UNESCO World Heritage Site )
- Plaszow Concentration Camp
- Wieliczka Salt Mine ( UNESCO World Heritage Site )
- Stare Miasto ( Old Town ) UNESCO World Heritage Site
- Rynek Glowny ( Market Square ) with a central Sukiennice ( Textile Market ) and Wieza Ratuszowa ( Town Hall Tower )
- Brama Florianska ( Gate of St. Florian is an entrance to the old town ) - Ulica Florianska - Ulica Kanonicza ( 2 main streets of the city )
- Factory of Oskar Schindler
- Stara Synagoga ( old Synagogue ) - Synagoga Izaaka ( Isaac Synagogue ) - Synagogue Wysoka - Synagogue Tempel - Synagogue Remuh
- Royal Castle Wawel
- Jewish Quarter Kazimierz
- Kosciol Mariacki ( Basilica of St. Maria ) - Kosciol Bozego Ciala ( Church of the Body of Christ ) - Kosciol Swietogo Andrzeja ( Church of St. Andrew ) - Sanctuary of Divine Mercy - Church of the 12 Apostles - KoSciol Swietych Apostolow Piotra i Pawla ( Church of Saints Peter and Paul ) - Dominican Church - Church of St. Floriana - Kosciol na Skalce ( Church on the Rock ) - Skalka Shrine ( Sanctuary ) - Katedra Wawelska ( Cathedral of Wawel ) - Kosciol Franciszkanow ( Church of St. Francis )
- Barbican ( is a defensive structure )
- Pomnik Grunwaldzki ( is a monument )
- Kopiec Kosciuszki ( is an artificial hill erected in commemoration of the Polish national leader Tadeusz Kosciuszko )
- Theatre Slowacki - Theatre Grotesque - Theatre Bagatela
- Galicia Jewish Museum - Museum of Aviation - Muzeum Narodowe ( National Museum ) - Muzeum Etnograficzne ( Ethnographic Museum ) - Muzeum Farmacji ( Pharmaceutical Museum ) - Museum of Ancient Arts - Dom Jana Matejki ( Museum House Matejko ) - Museum of Contemporary Art - Muzeum Czartoryskich ( Museum Czartoryski ) - Aquarium and Museum of Natural History - Museum Wyspianski - Archdiocesan Museum - Manggha ( Museum of Japanese Art and Technology ) - Museum Gestapo Headquarters - Arsenal Miejski ( Arsenal Museum ) - Museum Armia Krajowa or Armii Krajowej
- College Maius
- Rynek Underground ( Permanent Exhibition )
- Cemetery Rakowicki - Cemetery Okapova - New Jewish cemetery
- Royal Chamber Orchestra
- Park Planty - Botanical Garden of the University Jagiellonian - Park Lotnikow Polskich
- Smocza Jama ( is a limestone cave also called the Dragon's Cave )

[edited by toscanafoto at 2013-11-04 15:19]

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Joined: Oct 06
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Posts: 22

Posted: 2013-11-04 15:35:00   

> Warsaw what to visit :
- Stare Miasto ( Old Town ) ( UNESCO World Heritage Site )
- Stary Rynek ( Old Market Square ) - Zamek Królewski ( Royal Castle ) - Plac Zamkowy ( Castle Square ) - Mariensztat ( is a square ) - Kolumna Zygmunta ( Column of Sigismund )
- Park Lazienki ( inside and near: Amphitheatre - Palace Myslewicki - Old and New Orangery - Palac na Wodzie ( Palace on the Water ) - Monument Fryderyk Chopin - Water Tower - Temple of Diana - Belvedere Palace - Castle Ujazdów - Cadet School
- Palac Namiestnikowski ( is the Presidential Palace ) - Sejm ( is the Chamber of Deputies )
- Muzeum Wojska Polskiego ( Polish Army Museum ) - Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego ( Uprising Museum ) - Museum headquarters Gestapo - Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina ( Museum of Fryderyk Chopin ) - Muzeum Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie ( Museum of Marie Curie ) - Muzeum Narodowe ( National Museum ) - Gallery Zacheta - Muzeum Motoryzacji i Techniki ( Museum of Motor Vehicles ) - Ethnographic Museum - Museum Pawilonu ( Museum of the X Pavilion of the Citadel ) - Museum of Literature Adama Mickiewicza - Muzeum Teatralne ( Theatre Museum ) - Museum Karykatury - Museum of Independence - Museum Neon - Museum of Industry
- Monument to the Warsaw Uprising - Pomnik Bohaterów Getta ( Monument to the Heroes of the Ghetto ) - Umschlagplatz ( Memorial Ghetto )
- Grob Nieznanego Zolnierza ( Tomb of the Unknown Soldier )
- Remnants of the Wall of Ghetto
- Cmentarz Zydowski ( Jewish Cemetery ) - Historic Cemetery Powazki
- Synagoga Nozykow or Nozyk
- Palace and Park of Wilanów - Palac Kultury i Nauki ( Palace of Culture and Science ) - Palace Kazanowskich or Kazanowski - Palace Nieborow - Palace Czapskich or Czapski - Palace Krasinski - Palace Ostrogskich
- Ogrod Saski ( Garden Saxon ) - Park Skaryszewski - Park Ujazdowski - Park Agrykola
- District Praga
- Fabryka Trzciny ( was a factory is now a cultural center with some local )
- Science Centre Copernicus and Copernicus Monument
- Poczta Glowna ( Central Post Office ) - Rotunda PKO
- Nowy Swiat - Krakowskie Przedmiescie ( are 2 of the most beautiful streets of the city )
- Theatre Wielki - Theatre Narodowy
- Uniwersytet Warszawski ( University ) and Library
- Hala Mirowska ( is a covered market )
- Barbican ( is a defensive structure )
- Church of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament - Kosciol Swietej Anny ( Church of St. Anne ) - Kosciol Swietego Krzyza ( Church of the Holy Cross ) - Bazylika Swietego Jana ( Archcathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist ) - All Saints Church - Kosciól Nawiedzenia Najswietszej Maryi Panny ( Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary ) - Kosciól sw. Aleksandra ( Church of St. Alexander ) - Kosciol Najswietszej Marii Panny ( Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary ) - Carmelite Church of Our Lady of the Assumption - Evangelical Lutheran Church - Orthodox Cathedral of St. Mary Magdalene
- Prison Pawiak
- Balloon near the stadium for a panoramic view of the city

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Joined: Oct 06
Points: 100
Posts: 22

Posted: 2013-11-04 15:36:00   

> Poznan what to visit :
- Stary Rynek ( Old Market Square ) with a central Ratusz Poznanski ( Town Hall )
- Imperial Castle - Castle of Kórnik
- Palace Rogalin
- Park Cytadela - Botanical Garden - Park Palmiarnia Poznanska
- University Adam Mickiewicz - College Minus
- Muzeum Archeologiczne ( Archaeological Museum ) - Muzeum Narodowe ( National Museum ) - Muzeum Armii ( Military Museum ) - Museum Makiety Dawnego Poznania - Muzeum Historii Miasta ( History Museum ) - Muzeum Etnograficzne ( Ethnographic Museum ) - Muzeum Powstania Wielkopolskiego 1918-1919 ( Museum of the revolt of the Greater Poland )
- Theatre Nowy - Grand Theatre - Theatre Arkadia
- Church of St. Stanislaus ( Church Fara ) - Church of St. Martin - Franciscan Church - Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul with the Tomb of Miecislao in the Golden Chapel
- City Walls
- Lake Malta

> Wroclaw what to visit :
- Stary Rynek ( Old Market Square ) with a central Ratusz ( Town Hall )
- Ostrow Tumski ( Island of Cathedral ) and the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
- Panorama di Raclawice ( is a large panoramic painting 1500 cm × 11400 cm )
- Jewish Cemetery
- Gnomes of Wroclaw ( are scattered throughout the town )
- Japanese Garden - Botanical Garden
- Hala Ludowa ( Centennial Hall ) ( UNESCO World Heritage Site )
- Church of St. Elizabeth - Church of the Holy Cross and St. Bartholomew - Church of St. Henry - Church of the Blessed name of Jesus
- Houses of John e Margaret ( are 2 buildings )
- Bridge Tumski - Bridge Grunwaldzki
- Opera Wroclawska ( Opera Theatre ) - Teatr Lalek ( Theatre of Dolls ) - Teatr Polski ( Polish Theatre ) - Teatr Wspólczesny ( Contemporary Theatre )
- Multimedia Fountain
- Muzeum Narodowe ( National Museum ) - Muzeum Miejskie ( Municipal Museum ) - Muzeum Ksiazat Lubomirskich ( Museum of the Princes Lubomirski ) - Muzeum Przyrodnicze ( Museum of Natural History ) - Muzeum Mineralogiczne ( Museum of Mineralogy ) - Muzeum Geologiczne ( Geological Museum ) - Muzeum Farmacji ( Pharmaceutical Museum ) - Muzeum Poczty i Telekomunikacji ( Museum of Post and Telecommunications ) - Muzeum Archidiecezjalne ( Archdiocesan Museum ) - Muzeum Uniwersytetu ( University Museum )

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