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Saint John's travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Saint John's, Antigua and Barbuda!

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Travel guide to Saint John's
Dickenson Bay Beach
Dickenson Bay Beach
St. John's (also spelled St. John or Saint John) is the capital of Antigua and Barbuda, located on Antigua. It has some interesting architecture typical for the tropics. There are a few grand buildings and a majestic church. The houses are painted in bright colours. The authorities keep developing the town. There is a stretch of a commercial street leading to the ferry landing and a pier; a line of restored old buildings near the sea, which housed shops and bars, and which appeared to have been closed for a longer period of time. Then the suburbs, although more dilapidated, do not feel less Caribbean but in addition have something African in them. Maybe it is the corrugated iron or the simplicity of the form. The majority of the houses there are single storey, but there are a few in the outskirts of the outskirts, nearer to the shore, are more sophisticated. [edit text]  [editors]

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If you are 18, you are too old to DJ on Antigua. 
Saint John's,  Antigua and Barbuda 
krisek  rating  2008-02-13

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