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Asia expedition is completed!

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Joined: Oct 02
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Posts: 411

Posted: 2015-10-09 18:49:00   

Kaliningrad is for me a cheap gateway to and from Asia. Landing there in Khabrowo airport I take the minibus (80 roubles) to the city and then another one to Gdansk - my place. Depending of a number of traffic jams and border control it can take about 5 hours.
Russian driver on the bus to Gdansk collected from me my last 500 roubles and did not give me any ticket. That's Russia!
After few hours drive I was already in Gdansk. Another interesting voyage off the beaten track is completed. I believe that it was not the last voyage of the year 2015! :) Thank you, dear friends for keeping your fingers crossed!
GS administrator is still blocking the access to my travel log. He is just ignoring me... I think that after 13 years writing for GS I will be forced to find another place for my travel log. :(

You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced... W.D.

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