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Leaving Asia on the train

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Joined: Oct 02
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Posts: 411

Posted: 2015-10-06 21:02:00   

I started from Yekaterinburg at am Moscow time (let you know that all clocks on the Russian station show only that time, which is very confusing) 20 minutes later I was already back to Europe. This time it was a slightly higher class journey. Russian railways has sonthing called FIRMIENNY poyezd. This means new cars, better toilets and conductors in the new, fashionable uniforms. Nothing more. I spent today more then 13 hours on such a train. It was cloudy day with rather sad views of abandoned houses in the grey villages. In the late evening I landed in Kazan - the capital city of Tatarstan. Hostel Aurora is just 300 m from the station. Spokoynoy nochi!

You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced... W.D.

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