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Novosibirsk - the capital of Siberia

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Joined: Oct 02
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Posted: 2015-09-27 15:57:00   

I am in Novosibirsk dear friends. My trvel log is still blocked so I decided to place my message here. Novosibirsk is now a huge city - third in Russia after Moscow and St Petersburg. I stay in the Royal Hostel - 1905 goda street just 10 min walk from the station. They charge onlr 350 roubles for clean dorm bed (like 5 USD). Main places of interest are in the walking distance from the station. It is worth to walk to Lenin Square (Lenin is still alive here) to photograph his statue staing in front of the Opera House (I am opera lover but it is under reconstruction now). Just opposite Mr Lenin you can have your cheeseburger at Burger King for just 49 roubles with a view of the St Nicolas chapel golden dome. They say that the chapel marks the geo center of Russia. Did Mr expect tha theBurger King will be so close?

[edited by wojtekd at 2015-09-27 15:57]

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