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On transsiberian railroad

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Joined: Oct 02
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Posted: 2015-09-28 13:56:00   

My travel logis still blocked by GS administrator so I am uploading my messages for friends here.
I am going from Novosibirsk west -to Omsk by train. It will be the 9-hours part of the famous transsiberian rail. Once i was alredy going this way, but opposite direction and non-stop. It is not expensive jouney. Due to the low rate of roubel vs western curriencies (they will give you 65 rou per dollar, few years ago I was receiving only 30) tickets for us are not expensive an you can buy them online via Just to give you a smaple: Novosibirsk to Omsk lower class costs 1350 rou, Omsk to Tyumen 1215 on the standard trains.
Let you know that on the long distance train they have two clases: kupe - 4 beds in each closed compartment and lover clas - platskartny where compartments have no doors and there are 2 extra beds along the corridor.
Ready? I was enjoying the views of taiga in autumn foliage during all trip. In every car they have samovar installed for free distribution of boiling water so I had unlimited numcer of tea cups (but bring your tea/ coffee bags & sugar with you. My transsiberian reached Omsk in the late afternoon. Enjoyable and inexpensive!

You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced... W.D.

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