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Tomsk in Siberia... here I am!

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Joined: Oct 02
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Posted: 2015-09-26 03:15:00   

Since more then 2 weeks administrator of GS blocks me the access to my travel log so I decided to place my messages here.
I am in Tomsk - nice Siberian city on the huge Tom river. Sometimes it is called "Oxford of Siberia" because o big number of universities and students. Only 3 deg Celsius during the day. A bit of rain. I walk around the city which is famous for its wooden architecture - old houses made of solid timber. There are also nice orthodox churches with golden domes and rich interiors to see. Public transport is cheap - just 20 US cents for a ride. People of Siberia are very friendly... Lets wait for the better weather!

You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced... W.D.

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