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Ural - where Asia meets Europe

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Joined: Oct 02
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Posted: 2015-10-04 16:20:00   

Of course there are many such a meeting points (Bosphor is probably most popular) but Ural is probably the longest stretch of land border. Just few kms west of Yekaterinburg the is a marker on the road showing the border between continents. Elena took me there (Thanks a lot Helen and Ilia for your hearty meeting!).
After a hard night on transsiberian (they are heating like in the hell) I found my hostel in Yek... It is lovely Three Rooms hostel located in the regular flat, but cozy and quite. I booked through - single with shared bath cost only 800 roubles. You can use free internet, kitchen and washing machine.
Yekaterinburg - the capital of Urals is known mostly as a place where the family of last tsar was murdered. I plan to visit this places tomorrow...

You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced... W.D.

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