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Great Sphinx of Giza's by basia

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information about egypt  GizaEgypt, Al J¿zah
The Great Sphinx and the Pyramid of Cheops (in the background).
Uploaded: Jan, 24 2010 | Taken: Nov, 19 2000| Viewed: 48 times  | 8 votes
Camera: Eastman Kodak Company | Model: Kodak CLAS Digital Film Scanne | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh

pesu - Jan, 24 2010 01:01pm
Good pic, Basia, and no tourists... ;-)

frenchfrog - Jan, 24 2010 02:01pm
Yes I agree with Petra, I hate seeing tourists on pics! Well framed!

basia - Jan, 24 2010 03:01pm
Petra and Isabelle, succeeded, no tourists to photograph. Often this requires a large patience, you have to wait until they go away :))).

shervin19 - Aug, 27 2011 06:08am
I don't know the secret of making this sculpture :-(
Are you know it? It's a joke, nobody knows this. Your picture is clear and nice!

basia - Jan, 05 2012 08:01am
Bagher, thank you very much. You're right, Sphinx is a great mystery, but some theories are likely.

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