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Antwerpen travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Antwerpen, Belgium!

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Travel guide to Antwerpen
Antwerp (BE) - sunshine on the castle
Antwerp (BE) - sunshine on the castle
Antwerpen is Belgium's hidden gem. In a country famous for chocolates and beer, Antwerp doesn't really specialize in either but is instead the Diamond capital of the world.

The city itself is filled with some of the best architecture on the continent. From the stunning OLV cathedral, to the fortress Het Steen on the riverbanks, to the magnificent Grotemarkt and Stadthuis, the buildings here alone are worth the visit. [edit text]  [editors]

Antwerpen's travel tips, pictures, advice

Hostels    Reports (2)    Travel tips (2)    Pictures (31)    Members (20)

Travel reports on Antwerpen

Author Rating Date
Belgium's diamond centre is charming. Antwerp. 
Antwerpen,  Belgium 
krisek  rating  2009-03-14
Bobbing about in Belgium 
Antwerpen,  Belgium 
davidx  rating  2005-03-11

Travel tips on Antwerpen

picture place / location rating / by member
Café d'Anvers

Café d'Anvers

Belgium - Antwerpen guru_josh

Rubens Grote Markt

Belgium - Antwerpen marianne

About Belgium
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