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Neretva Delta travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Neretva Delta, Bosnia - Herzegovina!

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Travel guide to Neretva Delta
Along the Neretva River
Along the Neretva River
The source of the Neretva Delta comes from the Neretva River that runs for some 225 km through the hills of Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) into Croatia (the last 30 km), before it empties into the Adriatic Sea.

It covers around 20,000 hectares with only 8,000 hectares in BiH. The Delta contains some of the few remaining wetlands in Europe and is internationally recognized. It contains wonderful lagoons, lakes, beaches, rivers and marshes; with caves and limestone hills etc. It is the home to over 34 difference species of freshwater fish, plus a multitude of mammals, amphibian, reptiles and birds. [edit text]  [editors]

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