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Botucatu travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Botucatu, Brazil!

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Travel guide to Botucatu
Sleeping Giant
Sleeping Giant
Botucatu is an indian word that means "good air" and there's a reason for this. When you first arrive in Botucatu, the mild altitude mixed with the cool climate makes this place heaven for people raised in the poluted cities. The city is located in the center of Sao Paulo state, about 230km west of Sao Paulo city. Population is roughly ~120K, depending on who you talk to here (city officials like to lower this number to gain more support from the federal government). If you love to explore nature and one of the only existing 'Cuestas' in south america, then Botucatu is the place. The city is perched on top of a Cuesta and the surrounding landscape allows locals and visitors to explore the rich nature by mountain bike, trekking or motorcross. The downside to this city is that's small compared to most cities I am use to and hence there's not much options as far as restaurants, movies, or the sorts...but you do have Bauru, just 40 min west. [edit text]  [editors]

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Brazil - Botucatu drhtm1

TRIBO CUESTA Coop. de Bens e Serv. Tur.

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