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Photo album by britman: Sri Lanka - The story of tea.

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Sri Lanka - The story of tea.

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Sri Lanka formerly Ceylon is the third largest producer of tea in the world. Tea, originally a Chinese monopoly was brought here by the British during their 150 year reign. Tea is grown all over Sri Lanka but it is the higher, therefore cooler, damp “Hill Country” plantations around Nuwara Eliya that prove to be ideal growing areas and produce the highest quality teas. Picking of each bush is done weekly and just two leaves and a bud are nimbly plucked by the mainly Tamil female workforce. They are paid around 150 rupees a day (US$1.50). For each 20 kilos of leaves plucked 5 kilos of tea as we use it is processed. The whole process of plucking through processing to packing is completed within 24 hours. A visit to one of the many tea factories is recommended to watch the process. Inevitably a cup of their finest tea is produced at the end of the free tour.

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