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Veliko Turnovo travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria!

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Travel guide to Veliko Turnovo
Gurko street
Gurko street
Veliko Turnovo is the old capital of Bulgaria. It is one of the most beautiful and interesting cities of the Balkans. Its historical, architectural, natural and cultural treasures are remarkable It keeps the memory for some of the most important and fateful moments in Bulgarian history. Along with this, it's a modern city with young population, as it is one of the educational centers of Bulgaria. The city is situated on hills and its interesting architecture is attractive to painters, sculptors, architects and photographs.The old town is spread over 3 hills and on one of them, Tzarevetz, there are the ruins of the palaces of the kings' of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom. There's a saying in Bulgaria:"The most beautiful women in the world are Bulgarians and the most beautiful Bulgarians are the women from Veliko Turnovo". That's because it's been a city of kings and the nobility. The old Bulgarian nobility had the name "Boliary" and now all the people from Veliko Turnovo are called "Boliar [edit text]  [editors]

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Veliko Turnovo and around 
Veliko Turnovo,  Bulgaria 
adampl  rating  2007-10-05

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Bulgaria - Veliko Turnovo adampl

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