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Has anyone hiked Volcano Pacaya

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posting by moderator

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Joined: Aug 03
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Posts: 214

Posted: 2009-09-07 23:07:00   

In a couple of weeks I am taking a group of friends to Guatemala and we are hiking Volcano Pacaya. I hate to bring a pair of hiking boots just for this stint of the trip. Has anyone else hiked this (or another volcano)? Will a good pair of hiking sandals or a pair of athletic shoes do? Or do I really need to bring hiking boots?

Thanks for any input!


Life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away. Profile Pic: Tikal, Guatemala

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posting by moderator

Premium account
Joined: Aug 03
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Posts: 214

Posted: 2009-10-12 21:35:00   

Answering my own question is bad form BUT you do need to be careful with shoe selection if you choose to climb a volcano - the volcanic rock at the top is very unstable and in 3" x 3" chunks. We wore hiking sandals and had all kinds of loose pebbles in our shoes. Even those with socks had a miserable time with the loose rock. That said, the experience is magnificent and well worth the effort!

Life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away. Profile Pic: Tikal, Guatemala

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