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Elk Island National Park travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Elk Island National Park, Canada!

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Travel guide to Elk Island National Park
Astotin Lake
Astotin Lake
Located less than an hour’s drive from Edmonton, this National park showcases aspen parkland, one of Canada’s more endangered habitats (as they tend to be located near major cities). This park is home to herds of elk, deer, and almost 900 plains bison. In fact, this herd of bison is descended from the last few remaining on the plains from the late 19th century. Before North America was discovered by the Europeans, they numbered in the tens of millions!

Elk Island is considered an ‘island’ of nature surrounded by human activity, from farming to heavy industry to urban areas. It is in Elk Island that the northern boreal forests give way to the grasslands of the Canadian prairies. [edit text]  [editors]

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An island of aspen parkland in a Prairie sea 
Elk Island National Park,  Canada 
bootlegga  rating  2006-06-03

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