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Leticia travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Leticia, Colombia!

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Travel guide to Leticia
Monkeys in Monkey Island - Leticia
Monkeys in Monkey Island - Leticia
Leticia is a small town of approximately 37 thousand inhabitants situated on the left bank of the Amazon River. It is the capitall of the state of Amazonas, Colombia’s southernmost town (4.09° south 69.57° west) as well as its only major port on the river. It has an elevation of 96 meters above the sea-level and an average temperature of 27 centigrade (80.6 degrees Fahrenheit).

Even though it is a town within the borders of Colombia and a capitol of one of Colombia’s states it is very peaceful and isolated from the problems of the rest of the country.

Leticia’s public facilities include a hospital with 3 levels, an airport, and good telephone communication nationally and internationally with internet access capabilities.
Water and energy services are acceptable.

Tourist lodging amenities include hotels: Anaconda, Parador Ticuna, Colonial, Jurupary, 3 fronteras as well as several hostels with economical prices

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Leticia's travel tips, pictures, advice

Hostels    Reports (3)    Travel tips (4)    Pictures (4)    Members (3)

Travel reports on Leticia

Author Rating Date
Amazon - the first taste 
Leticia,  Colombia 
wojtekd  rating  2002-10-13
Amazons last frontier. 
Leticia,  Colombia 
daniserralta  rating  2003-07-17
Leticia – a hidden pearl in the Amazon region 
Leticia,  Colombia 
daniel79  rating  2010-02-13

Travel tips on Leticia

picture place / location rating / by member
Hotel Amazon Bed & Breakfast

Hotel Amazon Bed & Breakfast

Colombia - Leticia daniel79

Hotel Anaconda

Colombia - Leticia daniserralta

Hispan@ Internet

Colombia - Leticia daniserralta

Residencias Fernando

Colombia - Amazonas - Leticia daniserralta

About Colombia
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