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McBob's Pub & Grill

information about united-states  Milwaukee - United States, Wisconsin

McBob's is a great Milwaukee find. An informal bar setting that has excellent service and great food. Monday's and Wednesday's you can build your own personal pizza. Friday's as well as Wednesday's features excellent perch and cod fish fry with potatoe pancakes. (Fish Fry's are extreemly popular in Wisconsin). However, McBob's signature item has to be their taco's. That's right, an Irish Bar that serves excellent taco's. They're large, tastey and only served on Tuesday's, Thursday's, and Saturday's. McBob's has a lot to offer, they're even open for breakfast on the weekends.

Address: 4919 W. North Ave
United States
Phone: + 414.871.5050
Price: budget

conwayjay 's travel tips
United States
    Pittsburgh (1)
    Milwaukee (2)
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