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information about indonesia  Jakarta - Indonesia

No fees needed, if you enjoy to see the city from the birds-eye-view and can't afford the heli ride. Just get on the heli-pad on top of tall buildings in Jakarta. There are plenty of buildings that you can sneak into, to name a view SJHotel in Sudirman st. or GHHotel in M.H.Thamrin st in Jakarta. Best view of the city you can get in GH-Hotel. The trick, you go to one level from the top -- to 19th floor if it's a 20 floor building - then sneak to the emergency stairway. Go to the roof-top, and don't forget put something to hold the door so you can go down easily. Go have a try... just be careful - the wind is crazy when you are high.

Address: Sudirman-Thamrin Street

Price: budget

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