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Backwater scene in Kerala's by ecotrails

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information about india  KeralaIndia, Kerala
Backwater scene in Kerala ... www.ecotourskerala.c-om
Uploaded: Feb, 25 2009 | Taken: Feb, 12 2009| Viewed: 45 times  | 5 votes

porto - Feb, 25 2009 12:02pm
Blue sky, blue water,nice greenery=Stunning!

pesu - Feb, 25 2009 01:02pm
Just wonderful!.............

jacko1 - Feb, 25 2009 03:02pm
Simple but very effective, could be herons here Fred.

porto - Feb, 25 2009 03:02pm
Pretty sure there will be Tony!

aufgehts - Feb, 25 2009 08:02pm
A very serene pic....maybe there are white peacocks there, Tony?

jacko1 - Feb, 25 2009 08:02pm
Doubtless Fred will be backpacking there to find out! Jill, hehe.

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