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Ride back down the Volcano in the Dark!'s by eirekay

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information about guatemala  San Vicente PacayaGuatemala, Escuintla
As frighten/thrilling as the actually lava flows were, the hour long ride back down in the dark was equally so. The dense rain forest create absolute pitch black, our only light being our headlamps (and cellphones).
Uploaded: Oct, 14 2009 | Taken: Sep, 29 2009| Viewed: 26 times  | 2 votes
Camera: Panasonic | Model: DMC-TZ5 | Exposure 10/300s, ISO 640 | FLength: 5mm | SW: Ver.1.0

pesu - Oct, 14 2009 01:10pm
Brave women!!!...............

eirekay - Oct, 14 2009 01:10pm
The line between brave ad stupid is very thin.....

aufgehts - Oct, 14 2009 03:10pm
Yeah, but how cool! You can add this to your list of things you've done.

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