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Sayaxche Pictures 1 - 11 of 11 

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Reflects of soon to come rain

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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Rural Ferry crossing the Rio Pasion

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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Our Boat Launch on the Rio Pasion

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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The riverside town of Sayaxché

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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Rural Ferry on the Rio Pasion - return trip

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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A Family fishes and washes at Rio Pasion edge

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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Water Bus makes its way up the Rio Pasion

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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Life along the Rio Pasion

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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Kingfisher birds ply their trade on the Rio Pasion

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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A Kingfisher skims the water looking for lunch

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard
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Kingfisher rests it's wings

Guatemala - Petén - Sayaxche2010-06-18 send as postcard

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