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Photo album by eirekay: A Four Day Trek through Hilltribe Mountains

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A Four Day Trek through Hilltribe Mountains

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We jumped at the opportunity to hike through Thailand's northern mountains in the area known as the "Hilltribe" region. Karin, Lisu and Humong tribes still live in these mountains much as they did 100 years ago, with no power or running water. Access is on foot or motorbike, and occasionally you come across a road that could be driven with a 4-wheel truck or a jeep. The homes are of woven bamboo, on stilts, and often house several generations of the same family. We stayed with two different families during our trek, helping prepare meals and sharing a home made rice whiskey that made Sake seem weak! Days one and two were spent hiking, day three we hiked to the launch point of our raft and floated to Mae Hong Son. Day four was a twisty ride in the back of a truck on the 1864 turn road out.

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