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Photo album by eirekay: Cano Negro Wildlife Reserve - It's a Jungle out there!

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Cano Negro Wildlife Reserve - It's a Jungle out there!

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The 38 square mile Cano Negro Wildlife Reserve lies on the north border of Costa Rica and crosses into Nicaragua. There are no foot trails through this dense piece of jungle - the only access is via boat on the Rio Frio, but boat is the perfect way to see the myriad of mammals, reptiles and birds that inhabit this Reserve. 2 and 3 toed sloths vie for attention with howlers and white faced capuchin monkeys. 5 foot long iguanas share space with 12 inch emerald basilisks. Cormorants and Rosiate Spoonbills hover overhead while smaller king fishers and sparrows skim the water. All the while local fishermen can be seen along the shores at intervals casting nets for fresh water shrimp or casting lines for bass. In a true Animal Planet moment, we watched in as a monkey crept up on a basilisk to snag it for a lunchtime meal. In lighter moments we watched as a mother howler monkey nursed her young and saw a king fisher snag a small fish from the river. Four hours on the water may seem like a lot but we could have stayed days and it would not have been enough!

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