Tikal was once a Mayan city of 250,000 people. At one time all 16 square miles of Tikal were paved and stuccoed. Temples and Acropolis' were once covered in blue, red and orange stucco. In the late 9th century the city was abandoned for unknown reasons and many of the temples were intentionally covered in mud to hide their riches. Excavation started in the late 19th century with the majority accomplished in the late 1950s and 1960s. The jungle still lays claim to whole sections of Tikal with many pyramids and temples left unexcavated, while other have only their roof combs reconstructed, giving the site a mystical feel. Access to many of the pyramids is by wood stair/ladder arrangements, as the original stairs are too narrow or steep to be safely climbed. The views from the top are well worth the effort to get there!