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Photo album by eirekay: Yaxchilan - Mayan History Retold

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Yaxchilan - Mayan History Retold

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Much of what is known about the fabled Mayan ball game and many Mayan Rituals, including blood letting, was learned through the carvings and hieroglyphics of Yaxchilan. Located on the border of Southern Mexico and Guatemala, this site is hidden deep in the rain forest, accessible only an hour boat ride. A brisk walk up the river bank takes you to the gateway of Xibalba, a pitch dark labyrinth structure filled with bats and spiders. On the other side lies a courtyard of low buildings, many with amazing door and window lintels carved with glyphs that tell the history of this and neighboring cities. The treasure lies up the hillside where Temple 33, with its intricate stone lattice roof comb, waits. The staircase is lined with stories of ball games and the door lintels of the temple depict ceremonial events with amazing detail, down to the last toenail. To capture images of the Lintels, you need to lay on your back.

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