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eirekay's travel recommendations

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Papa Haydn

information about united-states  Portland - United States, Oregon

The most memorable dinner of my life might have been at Papa Haydn. Known for steak and fish, they also have a well deserved reputation for dessert. I was totally unprepared for the treat I was in for. My friend insisted on ordering for us, "I want two small side Ceasar salads, then 1 of each of the following: Creme Brulee', Boccone Dolce, Berry Cobbler, Autumn Meringue and Black Velvet. I want them brought out in that order, out at 15 minute intervals with two forks each. No extra plates and a cappuchino after the Cobbler (cleanse the palate), please." The look on the waiter's face was priceless, but he flawlessly did as ordered.

I am sure the rest of the menu is equally wonderful, but the desserts were beyond imagination. Warm astmosphere and good service. Be sure to make reservations!

Address: 701 NW 23rd Ave, Portland, Or
United States
Phone: + (503) 228-7317
Price: mid range

eirekay 's travel tips
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United States
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