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Pakokku Daw Lay May

information about burma  Mandalay - Burma, Mandalay

Also called Myanmar Cuisine Shop, it bills itself as the Number 1 Myanmar cuisine business. I would say that it is quite good. It was reccomended to me by my guide because it is clean and has a very good reputation based on traveler input. I found that their traditional Burmese pork curry (hwetha see-hpyun hin) was really good (though a bit spicy when taken on an empty stomach), and was delivered with rice, assorted pickles and two kinds of soup (one being the traditional chin hin - sweet and sour soup). The cutlery was all delivered in a bowl of very hot water, which was a nice touch and a bit comforting, given prior stomach maladies encountered in-country.

Address: 73rd St. - between 29th & 30th St.
Phone: + 02.351870
Price: budget

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