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American working in Holland, where to live?

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Joined: Jul 09
Points: 4
Posts: 1

Posted: 2009-07-31 07:38:00   

I have just landed a job in Netherlands and I would like to hear some suggestions on where to live in Europe. I will be on a rotation and can live where ever I choose, but America is starting to smell really bad.

I am a Single Dad with a wonderful 2 year old. I would love to live somewhere where she would be exposed to the most languages.

Also, I would like to rent a house in the suburbs, and eventually start a company and buy a house.


David and Pailin

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Joined: Nov 08
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Posted: 2009-10-14 13:56:00   

Holland has alot of black people, i've been to both Holland and the US and racism is nothing in Holland like it is in the US, KKK was founded in the US!!! of course this doesn't go to EVERY person in the US but compared to Holland it is very racist, arabs are ALL stereotyped as Terrorists for something they're not even sure are those who are "responsible for America's problems", blacks are not given full rights, there is discrimination.
language is hard depending on the person, it depends on your ability to understand and to adapt to, maybe to you it's hard but others find it easy.

it's up to you where you want to live, but don't try convincing anyone that the US is not a racist country, it is unbelievably corrupt.

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Joined: Mar 09
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Posts: 36

Posted: 2009-10-22 05:51:00   

The Hotel Di-Ann in Amsterdam is a family hotel with a friendly atmosphere offering 3-star service. Trianon Hotel - Amsterdam
is ideal hotel for lovers of culture: the Concert Hall, National Museum (Rembrandt) and the Van Gogh Museum is only a one to five minute walk.

luxury resorts

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