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Italy fly-drive

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Joined: Jan 05
Points: 12
Posts: 3

Posted: 2006-06-16 15:23:00   

Hi all,

6 of us are doing an Italy fly drive for the last 2 weeks in August and so far we have 2 nights in rome, 2 nights in florence and 1 night in spoletto (in the middle heading south). We plan to hit the toe of italy and spend a day or two on sicily before heading back up the west coast through amalfi back to rome for the last night and flight home.

What is there to see and do in the very south of italy? We would also like to get some relaxation time in by spending around 2 or 3 days in a beach town. Where should we be looking for? Somewhere on the adriatic, south or western coasts?

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Posted: 2006-08-08 03:37:00   

There is a lot to do in the south.

If you want to relax in a quiet beach town, Paola in Calabria is very nice.

Cefalu', on Sicily's northern coast is also very nice. Although, in August it will be crowded.

In Calabria you also have La Sila mountains, a national park, which is very beautiful and relaxing.

Palermo and Naples has a lot of attractions. Taormina on Sicily is worthwhile. There are also some great Greek ruins in Agrigento and Siracusa (Sicily).

It all depends on what you want to do.


"Linking you to the world of Italy"

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