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Acanthurus Triostegus's by frenchfrog

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information about reunion  Saint GillesReunion, Reunion
This is the latin name for chirurgien-s Bagnard, (disposble camera !)
Uploaded: Aug, 22 2006 | Taken: Jul, 26 2006| Viewed: 42 times  | 4 votes

morc66 - Aug, 22 2006 01:08pm
Any ways... for using exposible camera you did a great job!

I think using digital filters might work on these pics.

rangutan - Aug, 22 2006 06:08pm
My brother made a lot of pics like this with equipment worth around $20,000 in the 80's, Mauritius and Seychelles, Mayotte too!

eirekay - Aug, 22 2006 09:08pm
Beautiful underwater photos!

mistybleu - Aug, 23 2006 08:08am
A lovely shot, it must have been great to swim with so many fish around you. As I have to relate everything to a film or TV programme: - 'swim away!' - a scene from Finding Nemo

leillli - Aug, 24 2006 07:08am
these little green spot are shine hre:)lovely

ronellevan - Nov, 11 2006 11:11am
Nice one. I recon you should leave it as is. Any diver would appreciate it as a site they love to see, blue colours and all.

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