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Night butterlfy's by frenchfrog

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information about bhutan  TongsaBhutan, Tongsa
There were hundred of butterflie-s near the hotel's lamp, I like the blue colour of that one.
Uploaded: Dec, 02 2006 | Taken: Sep, 23 2006| Viewed: 28 times  | 5 votes

picasso - Dec, 02 2006 05:12pm
Amasing image, very sharp and detailed for this night beautiful and tender creatute-night flying moth.Good addition to the Theme-Insects!

rangutan - Dec, 02 2006 07:12pm
Isabelle, natures art is beautiful. This has a very unusual pattern. Specially tarned (camouflached) as an alien leopard-like creature, hunting animals stay away from it! THEME: macro soon?

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