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The big wave arrives's by frenchfrog

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If you did not have time to shower this morning, don t worry this one is free!
Uploaded: Sep, 10 2006 | Taken: Jul, 23 2006| Viewed: 33 times  | 8 votes

mrscanada - Sep, 10 2006 08:09pm
When it crashs on the rocks it does look big.

davidx - Sep, 11 2006 05:09am
Great picture Isabelle - but when you want pictures to be seen in sequence, remember to upload them in reverse order!

kailas - Sep, 11 2006 07:09am
Isabelle, this is a very dynamic and well composed picture

st.vincent - Sep, 11 2006 05:09pm
Shows the power of the water very well

leillli - Sep, 12 2006 04:09am
water said that how strong am i;)

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