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Photo album by frenchfrog: The ancient Guge Kingdom

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The ancient Guge Kingdom

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A little bit about the Guge Kingdom: More than 1,000 years ago, a powerful kingdom with a splendid civilization was born here. But after over 700 years of rule, the kingdom was destroyed by internal disorder and invasion from the outside. What are left here are the ruins of the capital of the Guge Kingdom. The kingdom of Guge was established in the 9th century following the assassination of the anti-Buddhist king Langdarma and break-up the Yarlung Empire. When Langdarma, died, the royal family began to fight for the throne. Gyide Nyimagun, Long Darma’s descendent, lost the war and ran away to Ngari, where he established a small kingdom. Later, Gyide Nyimagun divided Ngari into three parts and gave them to his three sons. The Guge Kingdom was ruled by Dezogun, Gyide Nyimagun’s third son. Here he established his capital: Tsaparang. His regime ran for more than 700 years before being destroyed in a war. According to the Annals of Kings and Officials in Tibet, a total of 16 kings ruled the Guge Kingdom, and Guge Castle was accomplished through constant construction between the 10th and 16th century. Guge has a very significant position in the history of economic and cultural development of Tibet. Many significant Buddhist doctrines of ancient India were passed on to hinterland Tibet via Guge. Guge was also one of the important commercial ports linking ancient Tibet with the outside world. After the Tubo Dynasty died out, Tibet entered a 400-some year period of isolation. Guge was always a large and powerful kingdom. Even the dust of time cannot hide its prosperity and past glory. In1630 the Citadel was invaded by the Ladhakis who massacred almost everyone and destroyed everything. In a short time the citadel which sparkled for 700 years became ruins. The 10th Century King, Yeshe-O and the translator Rinchen Zangpo worked together with Atisha to re-established Buddhism in Tibet and built over 1000 monasteries.

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