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Photo album by frenchfrog: The Potala area

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The Potala area

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The Potala Palace towering over Lhasa is the landmark of Tibet. The Potala is perched on Marpo Ri or Red Hill at the western end of Lhasa. Potala means “The Palace where Avalokiteshvara Lives” of whom the Dalai Lama is the embodiment. Avalokiteshvara was the Bhuddha of compassion and is the Political and Religiious head of the country. The Potala is 119 metres high from top to bottom. The Potala measures 350 metres from east to west and 270 metres from north to south. The complex is 130000 metres squares. The walls are 2.75 metres thick and reinforce with copper, it is said they are built to resist earthquakes. No nails were used in the building.

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