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Photo album by frenchfrog: Welcome to the Jungle of Yaxchilan

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Welcome to the Jungle of Yaxchilan

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Winner of the photo album contest of the month Jan 2010

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album of the month contest Yaxchilan is in Mexico along the Rio Usumacinta with Guatemala one one side and Mexico on the other. Yaxchilan means the the “place of green stones”. I can see why now as we are in the middle of the jungle! This Mayan city dates from 320 AD when Yat Balam (“Penis-Jaguar!”) was crowned. It becamed one of the most important city in the Mayan world. After 400 years on ongoing activity the sites counts today 120 constructions arranged in 3 large groups: Th Great Plaza located in the lower part beeing parallel to the river, The Grand Acropolis and The Small Acropolis folloing the contours of the limestones hills. The city was abandoned in the 9th century and the end of the last king Shield Jaguar III (Chel-Te). To me it was the most marvellous Mayan ruins I have seen, Chichen Itza might be a World Wonder because it is the most visited, but to my eyes Yaxchilan is worth a lot more!

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