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Banjul travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Banjul, Gambia, the!

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Travel guide to Banjul
Banjul - boat linking Barra with the capital city
Banjul - boat linking Barra with the capital city
Banjul is the capital of The Gambia. It is the country's largest port, political centre and rather interesting town. There are fine examples of colonial architecture but the town appears to be dominated by large warehouses, some of them disused and in a terrible state of disrepair. The governmental buildings, visibly renovated are pretty and look respectable. The key feature of Banjul, the Arch, houses a little museum and the view from one of the balconies is good. Banjul does not have a nice beach or lively nightlife. People come here to trade, deal with the state buiness or move on - to ther side of the river. Only very recently, a bunch of clubs have been gaining popularity. Banjul is locked by the river, the ocean and the swamps, and therefore it will not grow further. It is also very badly connected to the other parts of the country. Even the ferry across the river has been erratic. [edit text]  [editors]

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