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Kololi travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Kololi, Gambia, the!

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Travel guide to Kololi
Kololi - Baobab tree near the beach
Kololi - Baobab tree near the beach
Kololi is one of The Gambia's main resort towns. Its beach is great and clean. In some parts it is deserted, so it is perfect from avoiding the crowds and the hastlers. The hotels are grand, modern and expensive. The restaurants are many and some are overpriced. Nightlife is rife and superb, with many places to choose from and yet concentrated just on two streets. The electricity is more reliable than anywhere else in the counry, apart from Kanilai, where the president lives. The area is often described as Senegambia, as a 5* hotels of the same name is based there. The main drag resembled a Spanish street lined with clubs and restaurants rather than a place in a poor country in West Africa. Apart from the beach, dining and partying, there is nothing else to do in Kololi. There is cash machine, which has a reputation of being more reliable than the others. [edit text]  [editors]

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The Kora

The Kora

Gambia, the - Western - Kololi krisek


Gambia, the - Western - Kololi krisek
African Queen

African Queen

Gambia, the - Western - Kololi krisek


Gambia, the - Western - Kololi krisek


Gambia, the - Western - Kololi krisek

more travel tips on Kololi (7)

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