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Kotu travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Kotu, Gambia, the!

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Travel guide to Kotu
Kotu (GM) - Kids in the ocean
Kotu (GM) - Kids in the ocean
Kotu, a small place along the Atlantic Coast of The Gambia, is nothing more than a small stream entering the ocean and a group of mid range hotels. But the beach is one of the liveliest in the country. It is also one of the most notorious for the annoying hustlers selling cheap and poor quality items (sunglasses, watches, cigarettes), masseusses (cannot do massage, though), fruit salad ladies (this can be handy, though but might be overpriced), and juice pressers. Kotu is also home to the Fajara Handicraft Market (yes, the name is misleading as the market is located on the border between Fajara and Kotu), which is fine to visit and requires patient bargaining. There are a number of good eating options as well and the Destiny Nightclub, which is situated right on the beach, but its opening hours and days have been erratic due to problems with authorities. [edit text]  [editors]

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Travel tips on Kotu

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Gambia, the - Western - Kotu krisek
Kombo Beach Hotel

Kombo Beach Hotel

Gambia, the - Western - Kotu krisek
Sailor's Bar & Restaurant

Sailor's Bar & Restaurant

Gambia, the - Western - Kotu krisek

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