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Sanyang travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Sanyang, Gambia, the!

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Travel guide to Sanyang
Sanyang - the Paradise Beach
Sanyang - the Paradise Beach
Sanyang is about half way from Banjul, the capital of the country and the southern border with Casamance. It boasts a magnificent beach, called by the locals the Paradise Beach. It is a vast and lovely stretch of the coast away from the hassle and bustle of the tourism industry of Kololi. There is a small guesthouse with a restaurant right on the beach, and further south fishermen congregate with their catch, which is very interesting to observe. Occasionally, locals organise huge beach parties with music and grills, which kick off at sunsets. Sanyang is a great place for relaxation, and the surrounding landscape with palm groves and lonely baobabs is truly spectacular. There is no public transport directly to the beach and the main road is about 1km from the coast. Taxis from Senegambia or Fajara are expensive and they would have to wait for the return trip, unless one hires them for half a day. [edit text]  [editors]

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