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Photo album by geri: Stara Planina

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Stara Planina

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Winner of the photo album contest of the month Sep 2008

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album of the month contest Stara Planina (Balkan Mountains) is a mountain range that runs 560 km from the western to the eastern border of Bulgaria - Black sea. Its highest peaks are in its central part which is a national park. Peak Botev (2376) is also located in the Central Balkan National Park. Stara Planina is famous with its prolific flora and fauna, much of which is preserved and included in the red book of the endangered species. There are several nature reserves with magnificent landscape that are worth the effort of hiking. Green meadows, steep cliffs , waters running as white threads, deep forests, unexplored caves, unpredictable weather, air that clears the lungs, wild berries and butterflies - my associations for Stara Planina. Balkan Mountains have played an enormous role in the History of Bulgaria and the creation of the Bulgarian nation. In the Bulgarian folklore Stara Planina is seen as a mother who gives birth to proud and strong children and protect them in times of hardships.

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